Welcome back to the Self Love Confidential Poetry Oracle, where the universe sends you the message you need to hear right now by way of a poem from one of my books. If you’ve been neglecting yourself and making excuses about it to yourself, this week’s Oracle is for you.
“No one is going to give it to you. The deep breath, the extra five minutes, the quiet moments away from everyone whose urgency always trumps your own. No one is going to take you outside to absorb a few rays of sunshine or beams of moonlight. No one, and I mean no one, is going to get you to drink that glass of water or take that bite of lunch while it is still lunchtime. No one will put you to bed early, no one will put away your phone. No one will make space for you to write, or sing, or dance, or run, or any of the things you did before you became the worker, the caregiver, the superhuman. No one will remind you that your desire is more important than your productivity and that no matter how much you get done, it won't matter if you've lost sight of your joy. No one can do it. Any of it. No one. Except maybe you.”
Self Love Poetry (Urban Outfitters Exclusive Edition with New Poetry) page 208.
This week’s Poetry Oracle speaks for itself. No one can take care of you… except maybe you. No matter how busy you are, there is always time to choose and prioritize yourself. Remember: it is never too late to reclaim yourself.
I warn you though — it won’t be easy. The life you’re currently living seemingly depends on you sacrificing yourself at every turn. As you start making adjustments, ask for help. Create accountability. Embrace community. Choosing yourself and changing your life is not something you have to do alone. But that first step — it has to come from you.
This week take one step towards reclaiming yourself. You won’t regret it, I promise!
Order the new edition of Self Love Poetry (with bonus poems) from Urban Outfitters below!
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