Welcome back to the Self Love Confidential Poetry Oracle, where the universe sends you the message you need to hear right now by way of a poem from one of my books.
If you’re ready to claim your own extraterrestrial power, this week’s Oracle is for you.
Psss… you can save any image in this newsletter as a self love reminder for yourself. On your mobile phone? Simply hold down the image and hit save.
“Whether she chooses to be full
Or chooses to reveal but a sliver
In plain view, or concealed
Her light is unquestionable.
She moves persistently,
Patiently, consistently,
Waxing or waning,
She illuminates,
A blanket of darkness
No match for her luminosity.
Her dance across the sky an invitation
That electrifies curious souls
And comforts slumbering bodies.
She moves oceans.
She commands tides.
She is the moon.
And she is you.”
Self Love Poetry, Page 157.
With all the “aliens are real!” news the past week or two we’re all gazing up towards the sky a little more often. Which is perfect timing, given August’s not one, but two, supermoons. Tomorrow, on August 1st, we get our first supermoon, and then on August 31st, we get our second (which is also a blue moon). Two supermoons in one month make August the right time to look to the moon for a reminder of our own cosmic magnificence. Like the moon, we can move oceans and command tides: as long as we remember just how powerful we are, and focus that power by exploring our desires and setting intentions.
Ever since reading Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza (a must must read if you haven’t read it) I’ve adopted the habit of claiming my future by writing my dreams down as concretely as possible and as though they’ve already happened. I call this my vision manifestation practice. I tend to do this on full moons, and a supermoon (when the moon is closest to the Earth) feels especially powerful. As Joe explains, it’s important to fill your heart with gratitude and joy before you begin writing, and then go for it. Remember: you’re writing it down as though it is already yours: I am…, as opposed to I hope I am….
One of my Visions from March came true in June when a fellow poet Kate Burns wrote these words about me and selected my book The Shift for her book club:
“The say I’m the new Rupi Kaur.”
”She is the self-love Rupi Kaur.”
Pretty close, right? What’s even more fascinating is that though not pictured here, item #9 on my list was about The Shift gaining traction. And that’s the book that was chosen for this book club — not Self Love Poetry, which is more popular.
So tomorrow, channel the moon's transformative energy and lay claim to your dream future. Because remember: dreams only come true if you have them.
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To gaze at the moon is a wonderful gift, thank you. Several months ago I discovered Dr Joe and his books to help me create a new mind, body and future. Several weeks ago I discovered you and your poems to remind me of my self love. What a moment tonight to read, that of course: your poems are part of my journey to do just that. Thank you 🙏🏻 🌝