This week, I received an Instagram DM that absolutely confirmed what I’ve long known: even before I started this Poetry Oracle series, you my readers have been using my book Self Love Poetry as a means for receiving divine, daily messages from the universe.
I share this because I want to say thank you. Thank you for allowing me and my poetry to be a vehicle for your divine messages. When I choose poems for this series, it is always from the most vulnerable, authentic, part of me. I close my eyes, flip and let the universe do its thing. Today’s oracle selection is no exception — this poem is not only what I think you need to hear, it’s what I so deeply needed to hear myself, too.
Self Love Poetry, page 136.
I’ve been a little anxious the last few days because when I look at the calendar for the next two months, all I see are mountains of deadlines, events, and projects — all things I owe to others. At the same time, when I look at my goals for this period, the things I owe to myself, the list keeps getting smaller because I’m worried about how in the world I am going to get it all done. Serving others somehow always trumps serving myself. And yet — when has this not been my story? When has it not been yours? Has there ever been a time that the world wasn’t waiting on you to deliver more than what seems humanly possible?
I needed to remember that I have always gotten it done, and I shouldn’t sell my dreams short. It may require asking for help, reconfiguring a few things in my schedule, or (gasp) saying no to someone, but in the end, it is absolutely possible for me to have my cake (my dreams) and eat it too (taking care of everyone else).
If you feel like there’s no way you’re going to get through something, try this strategy: journal about some past experiences where you did get through — and thrived. Remembering just how far you’ve come is a great way to empower how far you will go.