This week I shared a confession about my tendency to self blame. Paid subscribers also received (in addition to my story) five strategies for coping with self blame, one of which I’ll share here: the Hawaiian practice of Ho’opnopono. In Hawaiian, Ho’opnopono embodies four phrases: I am sorry, Please forgive me, I thank you and I love you. It is both a prayer and a forgiveness practice. It’s purpose is to unburden you and return you to balance. How does hearing and speaking these phrases make you feel?
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Friday Feelings: Ho’opnopono
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This week I shared a confession about my tendency to self blame. Paid subscribers also received (in addition to my story) five strategies for coping with self blame, one of which I’ll share here: the Hawaiian practice of Ho’opnopono. In Hawaiian, Ho’opnopono embodies four phrases: I am sorry, Please forgive me, I thank you and I love you. It is both a prayer and a forgiveness practice. It’s purpose is to unburden you and return you to balance. How does hearing and speaking these phrases make you feel?