Welcome back to the Self Love Confidential Poetry Oracle, where the universe sends you the message you need to hear right now by way of a poem from one of my books.
If you’re someone who is finally ready to relinquish your patterns and embrace change, this week’s Oracle is for you.
The Shift, Poetry for a New Perspective. Order your copy here.
I’m someone who is deathly afraid of my finances. I’m not sure why, but I have always been this way. I cringe at the thought of cutting costs, I shudder at the thought of spending more. I’m always worried about money, even though the truth is I’m so privileged I’ve rarely if ever had anything to worry about. Say the word budget around me and you’ll see what a full-body visceral response looks like.
My entire adult life, I’ve worked as hard as I can to make as much as I can, without having the courage to actually sit down, look at the numbers, and make a plan. My fear of facing my finances is now so familiar it has become… well… comfortable.
But I’m tired of living in fear. And as uncomfortable as it is for me to make my finances my priority, that’s what I’m doing. Because they need to be if I want to honor my deepest desire of feeling completely at peace and at ease in my life. For a long time I convinced myself that my fear was faith. “It will all work out as long as you keep pushing.”
And while I still have faith, I’ve replaced my fear with something much stronger: faith, coupled with intentional action. I am facing the things I used to hide from. I’m changing my habits. I’m shifting my energy. I’m rewiring my brain. I’m taking steps to achieve my financial needs and goals. I’m giving birth to a freer version of myself. Is it comfortable? Anything but. Is it worth it though? Yes.